Образец для цитирования:
Refined Educational Environment: Characterizing the Phenomenon
The paper outlines the essence and types of educational environment and provides a detailed definition of refined educational space as a distinct type of educational environment. When analyzing educational environment, it is possible to use physicalistic and non-physicalistic logic. It is non-physicalistic logic that underlies this paper’s discussion of the phenomenon of refined educational environment. The paper further justifies the rationale for the research of educational environment in the context of socio-cultural environment. The structure of educational environment is further defined (its components, relationships between them, the position of the child in the system of relations between these components). It is demonstrated that it is the nature of the position of the child that has the highest priority in the system of relationships that determine educational environment. The paper further identifies characteristic features of refined educational environment, leading among them is quasi-subjectivity of the child. It is emphasized that environment of idle consumption, and educational environment with a hyperprotective type of relationships are not equivalent to refined educational environment.
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