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Медведева Д. С., Хотинец В. Ю. Моделирование развития речемыслительной деятельности младших школьников с естественным билингвизмом . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 3, pp. 261-?. DOI:

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Моделирование развития речемыслительной деятельности младших школьников с естественным билингвизмом


In theoretical substantiation of the problem under study it is emphasized that trans-disciplinarity and poly-paradigmality, as fundamental principles in modern psychology, create a cognitive situation in the study of verbal and cognitive activity of bilingual children and allow forming a model for its development that corresponds to modern ideals of post-non-classical rationality. The purpose of the study is to construct and experimentally confirm the model of development of verbal and cogitative activity in naturally bilingual primary schoolchildren with the possibility of developing educational technologies for modern educational conditions. Naturally bilingual primary school children participated in the forming experiment (acquisition of two languages from early childhood occurred naturally as a result of communication in the bilingual environment: Udmurt-Russian (43 people), Tatar-Russian (31 people)). They were students of “national” classes from educational institutions of Izhevsk. Based on the results of the experiment we designed a development model for verbal and cogitative activity of naturally bilingual primary school children under specially organized training conditions, i.e. a complex and self-developing system subordinate to a set of external and internal causes, conditions and relationships between them: 1) cultural environment as an external cause, psychological mechanisms for development of speech and cognition as internal conditions, 2) verbal and cogitative activity as an internal cause, cultural environment as an external condition. The study revealed compensatory development mechanism for verbal and cogitative activity of bilingual primary school children by type of inversion replacement of verbal and cogitative processes.


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