Journal Aims and Scope
The journal highlights the results of up-to-date innovative research work by the scientific community that comes from advanced areas of research in the interdisciplinary field of acmeology of education and developmental psychology, thus promoting the development of education and science
The journal aims to
• integrate professional experience and research achievements into the theory and practice of psychology and pedagogy
• encourage the professional research community to solve the problems of studying and developing the subjects of educational environment, psychological and educational training, socialization and self-determination of a personality;
• shape an information environment that reflects a dynamic panorama of the professional psychological and pedagogical community
Topics of the journal comply with the list of branches of science and groups of specialties in the Nomenclature of Specialties:
13.00.01 - General pedagogy, the history of pedagogy and education (pedagogical sciences)
13.00.08 - Theory and methodology of vocational education (pedagogical sciences)
19.00.01 - General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology (psychological sciences)
19.00.05 - Social psychology (psychological sciences)
19.00.07 - Educational psychology (psychological sciences)
19.00.13 - Developmental Psychology, Acmeology (psychological sciences)
The main thematic sections of the journal:
• Educational Acmeology
The section presents the results of theoretical and empirical studies related to elucidating the characteristics of the personal and cognitive development of subjects in the educational environment; conditions and factors for achieving high quality educational systems and the development of subjects in the educational process; optimization factors of subject - subjective interaction of participants in the educational and vocational training process; achievement factors of a personality (acme) as a subject of development
• Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Investigatios of Psyche Development
The section presents the results of theoretical and methodological studies related to the substantiation of paradigms, principles and methodological techniques for studying the general psychological person development, as well as the socio-psychological nature of development of a person, group, and society necessary for the complex solution of the problems in the modern education system
• Psychology of Social Development
The section presents the results of theoretical, empirical and applied research related to the investigation of socio-psychological issues of the development of the individual or group in the developing areas of modern psychology
• Pedagogy of Development and Cooperation
The section presents the results of theoretical and empirical studies related to the problems of the methodology and theory of pedagogy of development and cooperation, the genesis of the development of its ideas in line with pedagogical anthropology, ethno-pedagogy, a comparative analysis of practical experience and pedagogical forecasting of the problems of pedagogical support of the person in the process of his/her personal and professional development through cooperation of subjects of the educational environment of all types and levels of educational institutions; issues of vocational education, training, retraining and advanced training, including management issues, the organization of the educational process, as well as teacher training complying with the ideas of pedagogy of development and cooperation
• Chronicle of Scholarly Activities (Appendices)
The section contains information about specialized conferences and other scientific events launched by Saratov University, specialized external conferences. It contains articles on leading experts in the field of acmeology of education, developmental psychology, and scientific reviews