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Korchagin V. N., Korchagina L. N. Formation and Regulation of Educational Process Infrastructure in Contemporary School. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 4, pp. 392-397. DOI:

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Formation and Regulation of Educational Process Infrastructure in Contemporary School


The necessity of development of an extra-curricular educational work in contemporary school as a system of human-oriented studies has become topical due to ineffectiveness of the traditional system of upbringing associated with unrelated activities within the framework of following directions: ideological, political, labor, moral, aesthetic, patriotic, etc. The person is integral and character building cannot be conducted by separating the personality into parts. In the context of the understanding of upbringing as a purposeful regulation of the child’s mastering the system of social roles (family, professional, civil, intersocial, and egospheric) in the process of human activity (family-oriented, health-oriented, group-oriented, labor-oriented, culture-oriented, civil-oriented, inter-sociology oriented, egospheric-oriented, nature-oriented) it was demonstrated that the powerful factor in the formation of personality in the educational system of contemporary school is the intraschool social and pedagogical infrastructure of the educational process. We established that it represents a systematic set of conditions in a school for a purposeful and beneficial formation of the individual, for mastering and fulfilling an objective system of social roles. Its components are organizational and managerial infrastructure, family infrastructure, health and hygiene infrastructure, community-oriented infrastructure, civil infrastructure, organizational and legal infrastructure, social and educational infrastructure, educational infrastructure, design and aesthetic infrastructure, household infrastructure, cultural and recreational infrastructure, creativity infrastructure. Basing on characteristics of separate elements of the social and pedagogical infrastructure we proved that it deals with all aspects of life and activity of the students and the teaching staff must know what properties it should possess, they must be able to create, develop and regulate it.


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