Cite this article as:

Merkulova O. P. Level Satisfaction Students get from Education: Methods of Diagnosis and Inter-Related Factors. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 9-12. DOI:

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Level Satisfaction Students get from Education: Methods of Diagnosis and Inter-Related Factors


The article provides the results of empirical studies on assessment of the consistency and specific diagnostic capabilities of a number of techniques for diagnosing the level of satisfaction of students with the education they receive (sample group size is 266 students). In addition to the author's techniques described in the article the researcher used personality questionnaires: viability tests and method of style self-regulation of behavior. It has been shown that the integral evaluation of satisfaction with education, satisfaction indicators of procedural aspects of education and the proximity of the images of the real and desired education are interrelated. These indicators are also able to complement each other in terms of contents. Also identified links between different aspects of satisfaction and indicators of hardiness, self-regulation of behavior.



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