Cite this article as:

Kurysheva O. V. Socio and Age Norms: Construction of the Phenomenon. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 30-34. DOI:

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Socio and Age Norms: Construction of the Phenomenon


The article explains the necessity of integration of socio-psychological and age approaches to the phenomenon of age norms. It has been proposed to introduce the concept of «socio-age norms» that are defined as constructed in the course of social interaction and conscious representations of attitudes, behaviors, values, inherent in the specific age group to help meet the needs in social and self-efficiency. In order
to verify it the empirical study has been implemented. The results prove that in the minds of the respondents there are social representations about normative behavior of people of a certain age. They contain the
views about significant life events, tasks, and social actions, achievements and values, as well as psychological characteristics that should correspond to a typical representative of a specific age group. They
can be defined as complexes of socio-age norms.v


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