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Вагапова А. Р. Attitude to Politico-Social Phenomena and Satisfaction with Life in Representatives of Different Ethnic Groups. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 318-?. DOI:
Attitude to Politico-Social Phenomena and Satisfaction with Life in Representatives of Different Ethnic Groups
The article presents the results of theoretical and empirical investigation, which is devoted to socio-political phenomena and satisfaction with life. The investigation was made on a sample of representatives of the Russian, Tartar and Kazakhs ethnic groups (Saratov Region, N = 30). The author uses a complex of psychological and pedagogic techniques: questionnaire compiled by the author (for investigation of attitudes to socio-political phenomena), «Index of satisfaction with life test» (by N. V. Panina), «Scale of subjective well-being» (by M. V. Sokolova), which allowed to study attitude to socio-political phenomena in representatives of different ethnic groups. The article shows, that the attitude in groups is different and is connected with evaluation of well-being and satisfaction with life. The applied aspect of the problem under study may be used for counseling practice of psychological services.
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