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Кудинов С. С., Авдеев Н. П. Peculiarities of Self-Realization in Students with Different Levels of Persistence Manifestation. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 65-?. DOI:

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Peculiarities of Self-Realization in Students with Different Levels of Persistence Manifestation


The results of empirical studies of the characteristics of self-realization in relation to the different levels of persistence, performed on a sample of students in the framework of the concept of dispositional personality traits and personality A. I. Krupnova. Application of a complex psychodiagnostic tools, «A multidimensional questionnaire self-realization» (S. I. Kudinov), «Express barchart self-assessment» (S. I. Kudinov), a blank test of self-realization (S. I. Kudinov), Test persistence (A. I. Krupnov), comparative, factorial analysis revealed statistically significant differences in the specifics of self-realization of students with different levels of manifestation of perseverance. Respondents with a high level of persistence of a successfully implemented in different spheres of life due to severe active, optimistic, highly motivated, creative methods and techniques of self-expression, self-regulation of Internal and constructive behavior. Students with low persistence successful self prevent passivity, pessimism, external locus of self-control, high barriers to standard, simple schemes expression.


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