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Арендачук И. В. Risks of Professional Self-Determination of Senior Pupils: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 70-?. DOI:

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УДК 37.015.3: 331.54

Risks of Professional Self-Determination of Senior Pupils: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects


Substantially analyzed the social and psychological risks of professional self-determination of senior pupils. The results of empirical research carried out on a sample of students of classes 9 and 11 secondary school № 41, Saratov (N = 65). The methods used: questionnaire «Orientation» (V. E. Sigacheva, M. N. Rossohach); method for determination of the main motives of choice of profession (E. M. Pavlyutenkova); questionnaire «The motives of choice of profession» (R. V. Ovcharova); questionnaire «Types imposed on the choice of profession» (A. A. Kibireva). Analyzed the general trends and differences in the direction of senior professional choice, motivation and determinants. The basic directions to minimize the risks of professional self-determination of senior pupils in the system of career guidance in schools. The applied aspect of the research problem can be implemented in the organization of psycho-pedagogical support of professional selfdetermination of students.


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