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Гринина Е. С. Attitude of Student Youth to People with Reduced Capabilities. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 333-?. DOI:

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Attitude of Student Youth to People with Reduced Capabilities


The article introduces results of comparative empirical investigation of various attitudes of students (future education psychologists and lawyers) to people with reduced capabilities and cooperation with them. Data obtained in the course of the investigation testifies to predominantly positive attitude of students majoring in psychology and pedagogics to people with reduced capabilities, while other students (law students) demonstrate more neutral and sometimes negative attitude to people with reduced capabilities. Respondents of the first group are more active in situations involving interaction and readiness to help people with reduced capabilities. The author concludes, that it is important to inform the student youth on issues regarding developing, education and socialization of people with reduced capabilities in order to form constructive cooperation with them.


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