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Ryaguzova E. V., Chernyaeva T. I., Chernyaeva K. O. Communicative Space of a Person Diagnosed with Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 4, pp. 368-376. DOI:

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Communicative Space of a Person Diagnosed with Pulmonary Tuberculosis


The paper presents the results of theoretical reflection on the communicative space of a person experiencing a traumatic situation, and an empirical research aimed at transformations in the system of communication and interaction of patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis with himself/herself, the world, the important Others. The empirical study (N = 24) is carried out on the basis of the Saratov Oblast Clinical Antituberculosis Dispensary using the following methods: “Indicator of strategies of coping behaviour”, “Associative Picture Test”, «Level of subjective control», “Who I am”. It is revealed that communicative space of tuberculosis patients is characterized by the following features: interaction with the Others, especially with the members of near-round interaction (relatives, and to lesser degree friends) is the psychological resource to cope with the disease; contacts with doctors involve the elements of irritation and disbelief; mostly the communication is of the internal reflexive nature and it lies in the area of “the everything-understanding Self” and “nothingunderstanding Self” while the interpsychological dialogue is ambivalent, conflict, and sometimes aggressive and always full of destructive negative emotions. It is found out that the inner dialogue promotes enrichment and interference of subjective meanings, and as the result of the process the understanding and acceptance of changes, creation of new meanings and contexts, establishment of the “cooperation dialogue” between the components of the “Self”-concepts appear. It is approved that social-psychological support of patients diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis should involve 3 spheres of communicative space: communication with doctors, interaction with the inner circle of people and strengthening of the person’s innate resources.


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