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Lykova N. M., Marroquin R. M. Connection between Coping Behaviour Strategies and Life-Purpose Orientations of the Graduates of Orthodox Monastery Orphanage in Guatemala. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 78-84. DOI:

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Connection between Coping Behaviour Strategies and Life-Purpose Orientations of the Graduates of Orthodox Monastery Orphanage in Guatemala


The article presents the results of the study of coping strategies and life-purpose orientations of graduates of an orphanage at an Orthodox monastery in Guatemala (N = 60). The relevance of the study is conditioned by the possibility of forming recommendations regarding organization of the upbringing process in both secular and religious orphanages, based on the understanding of characteristics under study and the relationship between them. The purpose of the investigation is to study adaptation peculiarities of orphanage graduates at an Orthodox monastery in Guatemala, based on the assessment of the presence and nature of the relationship between styles of coping behavior and life-purpose orientations of the subjects under study. The main hypothesis of the study was the presence of social adaptation peculiarities of the orphanage graduates under study, expressed through the hierarchy of life-purpose orientations and their connection with strategies of coping behavior, in comparison with young people brought up in families. The study of coping strategies was performed with D. Amirkhan’s method, life-purpose orientations were studied with D. A. Leontiev’s method. The obtained results have been compared with earlier data of a similar study of Latin American students studying in Russia and brought up in families. It was revealed that subjects under study were characterized by the use of adaptive coping style. The hierarchy of life purposes is expressed implicitly, which distinguishes them from young people brought up in families. Significance of the result is predominant in young people who have been brought up in orphanages since their birth. In the very same subgroup we can observe positive relationship between the strategy of “avoidance” and life goals, which indicates their passive position in achieving goals. Recommendations developed on the basis of results of the present investigation have been sent to the abbess of the monastery and can be used in her work with the next generations of pupils.


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