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Malyshev I. V., Ruchin V. A. Correlation between Social Competence and Adaptive Capabilities of Students of Different Specialities. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 355-360. DOI:

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Correlation between Social Competence and Adaptive Capabilities of Students of Different Specialities


The paper presents the findings of a theoretical analysis of the corre-lation between a person’s adaptation and his/her social competence. It presents the results of an empirical study of the correlation between social competence and adaptive potential that was conducted on a sample of students (N = 80, aged 18–19) using the following diagnostic tools: the «Communicative social competence instrument» (CSC) (N. P. Fetiskin, V. V. Kozlov, T. M. Manuilov) and the «Social and psychological adaptation questionnaire» (K. Rogers and R. Diamond). It is demonstrated that a person’s social competence is one of significant factors of socio-psychological adaptation and adaptive capabilities. In particular, it was established that immediacy in communication, optimistic attitude, resistance to stress, self-control, performance efficiency, and low levels of aggressiveness act as the basis for the formation of students’ optimal adaptive capabilities. The research findings can be realized in the practice of psycho-social services at educational institutions.


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