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Лукьянова М. И., Шустова Л. П., Данилов С. В. Development of Teachers’ Competence in the Context of Modern Scientific Approaches to the Innovative Activity of Educational Organizations. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 102-?. DOI:

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Development of Teachers’ Competence in the Context of Modern Scientific Approaches to the Innovative Activity of Educational Organizations


The article presents an example of the organization of experimental and innovative activities in the educational institutions of Ulyanovsk oblast united by the regional programme for development of innovative processes. Being implemented for almost a quarter of a century, the programme for development of innovative processes creates the conditions for the development of professional skills and teachers’ competence. This became possible due to the fact that the participants in the programme for development of innovative processes (such as experimental sites and scientific and methodological centres) implement scientific inquiry and research activities on the basis of a variety of scientific approaches. The identification of these approaches and the description of training of teachers for its implementation have become the goal of this article. Using the analysis of documents as a method of research, the authors managed to identify the scientific approaches used by the programme participants. The subject and content of the innovation activities of participants in the programme for development of innovative processes were analysed through the prism of the implementation of the system, activity, competence, axiological, acmeological, personality-oriented, culturological, environmental, cluster and gender approaches. The novelty of this study consisted in the comprehension of the experience of innovative activity of educational institutions of the Ulyanovsk oblast as a resource for the development of the professional competencies of teachers. The applied aspect of the investigated problem can be implemented in the pedagogical practical trainings for educational organizations.


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