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Колчина А. Г. Diagnosing and Correcting Disorders of Emotional Development in Children with Locomotor Pathologies. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 2, pp. 179-?. DOI:

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Diagnosing and Correcting Disorders of Emotional Development in Children with Locomotor Pathologies


The paper outlines some theoretical aspects of the issue of emotional development of primary school students with cerebral palsy. It further explains the role disorders of emotional development in such children play in how they interact with others and how they assert themselves as full members of society. Specific features of how children with cerebral palsy express basic emotions were identified, based on the results of an experimental study. A combination of psychodiagnostic techniques revealed a correlation between the level of emotional adaptability, on the one hand, and manifestation of a locomotor disorder and the respondents’ experiences of locomotor challenges, on the other hand. The paper provides a rationale for the imperative for holding correctional and educational classes for such children at an early age. The results of this study can be used by school psychologists and psychologists working in special education.


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