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Бочарова Е. Е. Ethnopsychological Peculiarities of the Structural Organization of Subjective Well-Being (a Case Study of Ethnic Groups of the Saratov Volga Region). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 322-?. DOI:
Ethnopsychological Peculiarities of the Structural Organization of Subjective Well-Being (a Case Study of Ethnic Groups of the Saratov Volga Region)
The paper presents the results of an empirical study of the composition of the structural organization of subjective well-being of ethnic groups living in the Saratov Volga Region. The study included proportionally equal samples (N = 280) of subjects who identify themselves as Russians (N = 70; Saratov), Armenians (N = 70; Saratov), Kazakhs (N = 70; rural locality Aleksandrov Gay of Saratov Oblast bordering West Kazakhstan Region of Kazakhstan and having a predominantly Kazakh ethnic composition), and Tatars (N = 70; rural locality Yakovlevka of Bazarno-Karabulaksky District of Saratov Oblast, the dominant ethnic group is Tatars); the median age of the subjects is 25,6, SD = 9,7, 52% of the respondents are female and 48% – male; 87% of the respondents are employed. The study revealed that in the representatives of different ethnic groups, there exists variability in integration and differentiation of the composition of the structural organization of subjective well-being. In the sample of Russian respondents, «Being Recognized as Important by Others» and «Lifestyle» act as formative factors of subjective well-being, which becomes a distinctive feature of this ethnic group. «Family Well-being» is a universal factor that dominates in the structure of well-being in the samples of Armenians, Kazakhs, and Tatars. «Satisfaction with Interpersonal Relationships» and «Subjective Well-being in the Sphere of Professional Activity» feature in the structure of well-being of all researched ethnic groups, except for the Armenian respondents. One of the practical applications of this study is that its findings can be used to develop ethno-national policy of the Saratov Volga Region.
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