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Левит Л. З. Eudaimonism versus Existentialism: Once Again on Values and Meaning of Life. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 306-?. DOI:

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Eudaimonism versus Existentialism: Once Again on Values and Meaning of Life


The article uncovers similarities and differences in approaches to finding the meaning of life from the positions of V. Frankl’s existentialism and eudaemonism. In order to illustrate provisions of the letter we used «Personally –oriented concept of happiness», which was developed by the author of the article. It is shown the status of values, which V. Frankl gave to pleasant emotions, serves as a paradoxical proof of hedonistic orientation of logotherapy. Perception of value of attitude as «the highest value» cannot be supported empirically and cannot be anti-therapeutic in the counseling work of a psychologist. Eudaemonic perspective unlike existential one gives priority to values of creation and preserved individual opportunities aimed at self-realization. Positive and negative emotions that emerge in the course of this process are viewed as accompanying products of creative activity, which promotes the accomplishment of the unique life assignment of an individual.


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