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Карпова Н. Л. Family Group Logopedic Psychotherapy as a Model of Socio-Rehabilitational System. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 338-?. DOI:

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Family Group Logopedic Psychotherapy as a Model of Socio-Rehabilitational System


The article presents the data of theoretical analysis related to problems of stutter (logoneurosis) as one of the extreme forms of conversation disturbances; it presents characteristics of people who stutter and their families, peculiarities of therapy for this defect. The article touches upon the problem of family involvement into the process of social rehabilitation. It is shown that utilization of non-traditional methods, such as: Yu. B. Nekrasova’s dynamic psychotherapeutic diagnostics, as well as bibliotherapy, kinesitherapy, videotherapy and cinematherapy, can act as a model of formation of motivational inclusion and intragenic activity of patients and their relatives within the process of social rehabilitation. The article describes levels and psychological structure of motivational inclusion, mechanisms of its formation in the logopedic psychotherapeutic process.


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