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Popov N. I., Kalimova A. V. Identification of Special Abilities of Future Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2019, vol. 8, iss. 1, pp. 12-18. DOI:

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Identification of Special Abilities of Future Teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics


The purpose of the study is to determine the level of special abilities of future teachers of mathematics, physics and informatics. In the course of the pedagogical experiment, we tested the hypothesis that in the process of subject and methodological training certain special abilities of future teachers are clearly identified and highlighted. Based on the analysis of educational standards of the new generation and works of various scientists, we have highlighted professionally important qualities of a future teacher. In order to design a profile of students’ abilities in the course of pedagogical experiment, we studied spatial imagination and logical thinking of students, as well as their ability to perform computational mathematical operations, and analyze various pieces of information presented in textual and graphical form. The study was carried out on a sample (N = 120), that consisted of students of higher educational institutions with the application of a set of techniques aimed at identification of special abilities (i.e. “Numeric test”, “Vocabulary test”, “Arithmetic test”, “Figure test”, “Verbal test”, “Three projections”) that are well-established in practical psychodiagnostics and allow to determine professionally significant qualities of students basing on the tests. The study presents comparative analysis data regarding the abilities of future teachers of mathematics and computer science – second and fifth year university students. It has been established that in the process of learning some of the studied abilities, namely, skills of critical analysis of situations and quick handling of numbers become more stable and are observed among the overwhelming majority of students, while a small portion of students do not have the skills and abilities to analyze graphic information. Perspectives of the investigation are related to the study of the development of above-mentioned abilities of students during the entire period of study at a higher educational institution within the framework of a two-level education system.


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