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Akhmetgaleeva Z. M. Implicit Theory of Creativity of University of Culture and Arts Students. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 38-41. DOI:
Implicit Theory of Creativity of University of Culture and Arts Students
The article presents approaches to study creativeness that are connected to personal traits. The researchers suggest the list of traits related to creativity. The results of empirical research are shown that has been conducted on 93 students of Kemerovo University of Culturev and Arts (aged from 18 to 33, studying different educational programs). Specially designed unipolar personality semantic differential has been applied. As a result the authors have revealed the correlation between creativity and productivity, individualism, openness to new experience and persistence in the mental representation of students of University Culture and Arts. The results of study may be applied to design special programs for students of higher educational institution of culture and arts aimed at expanding their ideas of creativity and developing it.
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