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Belykh T. V. Integral Individuality of Students with Different Combinations of Rationality and Risk Appetite in Decision-Making. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2019, vol. 8, iss. 1, pp. 70-77. DOI:

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Integral Individuality of Students with Different Combinations of Rationality and Risk Appetite in Decision-Making


The article presents the results of an empirical study which has the purpose of studying the relationship of indicators of multi-level properties in the structure of integral individuality of students with different combinations of rationality of decision-making and risk appetite. Presumably there are differences in the integration of inter-level properties in the structure of individuality among students with different combinations of rational decision-making and risk appetite, which manifest themselves in the unequal contribution of psychodynamic, personal and socio-psychological properties to the ability of self-regulation in decision-making situations. The study was performed on a sample of students (N = 153) using psychodiagnostic methods aimed at studying multiple properties of integral individuality, i.e. self-efficiency test questionnaire (J. Madduks, M. Scheer adapted by A. V. Boyarintseva), questionnaire of formal and dynamic properties of individuality by V. M. Rusalov, questionnaire called “Style of behavioral selfregulation” (V. I. Morosanova), impulsivity level questionnaire by V. A. Losenkov, “Self-assessment of proneness to extreme-risk behavior” questionnaire by M. Zukkerman,“Personal factors of decision making (LFR-25) questionnaire by T. V. Kornilova, new questionnaire of tolerance and intolerance to uncertainty by T. V. Kornilova, test of frustration reactions by S. Rosenzweig, modified by N. V. Tarabrina. It has been shown that differences in the integration of different levels of properties depending on the combination of manifestation of rational decision-making and risk appetite are associated with the level of self-regulation, manifestation of psychodynamic: activity, adaptability and emotionality, as well as ways of reacting in a situation of frustration. Similarities in all compared samples are manifested in the presence of a connection between the psychodynamic resource of a person and his/her ability to self-regulate. An increase in emotionality as a property of temperament leads to an increase in impulsiveness in a decision-making situation and risk appetite. On the contrary, increased adaptability at the psychodynamics level reduces impulsivity and desire for uncertainty. Use of data obtained as a result of research is associated with possibility of developing targeted psychological training of students in the skills of self-regulation and compensation of psychodynamic emotionality and non-adaptability in order to control impulsive behavior in a decision-making situation.


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