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Vilches-Nogerol (Belik) V. V., Sizova L. А. Labour Management and Features of Business Communication Styles of Subjects (Based on the Example of Nurse Practices). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 68-77. DOI:

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Labour Management and Features of Business Communication Styles of Subjects (Based on the Example of Nurse Practices)


The article presents the results of study of business communication styles (BCS) of senior nurses (30 people) and nurses (135 people) at the age of 22 to 65 years old. The goal of the study is the analysis of nurses’ labor management features as a factor of their business communication styles formation. The following hypothesis has found its confirmation: the styles of business communication of subjects are subject to the apparent influence of the labor management conditions, management corporate culture, personal, official and socio-demographic characteristics of the subjects. The diagnostics was carried out using the research method of V. A. Tolochek “Styles of business communication”. Based on the results of the t-comparison we obtained statistically significant differences (p  0.05); according to the results of factor analysis – six factors were singled out in two samples. Part of the BCS in both groups is determined by socio-demographic characteristics, the other part is determined by the management subculture. Typical styles of business communication between nurses and senior nurses are similar. According to the concept of V. A. Tolochek, the obtained results affect the first two levels of hierarchical organization of styles: “subjectively-comfortable working conditions” and “operational systems”. The obtained results can be useful in solving practical problems of increasing the labor efficiency of medical institutions employees.


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