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Letyagina S. K. Manifestation of Envy in Young Men and Women with Various Sibling Positions in the Family. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2019, vol. 8, iss. 3, pp. 240-246. DOI:

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Manifestation of Envy in Young Men and Women with Various Sibling Positions in the Family


Relations within the subsystem of siblings are an important factor determining social situation of children’s development within the family, their personal peculiarities and social adaptation on the whole. The article presents the empirical study results, which has the purpose of studying manifestation of envy in young men and women, who are the only children in their families and those who have siblings. The hypothesis is based on the supposition that there are differences in the manifestation of envy in young men and women with a different 
sibling position within the family. 210 students aged 18–22 years, from Saratov higher education institutions took part in the study. 39 young men and 29 young women from the sample are the only children in their families, 44 young men and 33 young women are the elder siblings, while 55 young men and 33 young women are the younger siblings. We used the following questionnaires as the techniques of the study: T.V. Beskova’s “Method for studying personal envy” and “Manifestation of envy and its evaluation”. It has been found out that the position of a young man towards his siblings and the position of the only child do not influence the development of personal envy. Male envy is characterized by moderation and more passive nature of its manifestation. It has been shown that females that are the only children in their families are more envious. They demonstrate more envy of all types than a group of females – younger siblings, and more envy within the envy-frustration scale in comparison with the group of elder siblings. It has been stated that the system of interrelations within the family of brothers and sisters is a significant component for the social situation of envy development in a female child, which largely determines the nature of her further social adaptation. 


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