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Sharov A. A. Measuring Cyber Aggression: Development of Russian Version of CYBA Questionnaire. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 2, pp. 118-125. DOI:
Measuring Cyber Aggression: Development of Russian Version of CYBA Questionnaire
The purpose of the study presented in the article is to adapt and validate the CYBA questionnaire (Cyber-aggression Questionnaire for Adolescents, D. Álvarez-García et al.) on a Russian sample. Validation of the Russian version of the questionnaire included the following psychometric procedures: assessment of obvious and substantive validity (method of expert estimates with calculation of Kendall concordance coefficient), refinement of the structure (exploratory factor analysis with equimax rotation), verification of internal consistency (calculation of α Cronbach coefficients), split reliability (assessment of the relationship between odd and even points), convergent validity (analysis of correlation value with two other methods), diachronic reliability (test-retest). The sample consisted of 250 respondents. Factor analysis data confirmed the three-factor model of the questionnaire. However, the Russian version items were distributed in a slightly different context, when compared to the original version. The final structure of the questionnaire is presented by the following scales: “Impersonation” (points 1,12,18), “Sexting” (points 2,3,6,9,14), “Verbal-visual cyber-regression” (points 4,5,7,8 10,11,13,15,16,17,19), Integrative Cyber Aggression Scale (points 1-19). The level of internal consistency in the range of values is: α 0.691–0.732, the relationship of the scales is 0.242–1. The range of retest indicators is 0.914–0.934. The reliability of parts is 0.616. Converged validity indicators (with scales of methods used in the context under consideration) vary within the range of 0.118–0.444. The obtained results allow us to state that modifiable psychometric tools can be used for research purposes in the aspect of studying the phenomenon of cyber aggression. The prospect of the study is conditioned by standardization procedures on the samples of respondents belonging to different age groups.
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