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Vagapova A. R. Modern Socio-Political Phenomena in Perception of Different Age Groups. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 3, pp. 226-?. DOI:

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Modern Socio-Political Phenomena in Perception of Different Age Groups


The study demonstrates theoretical grounds of the study of representation of socio-political phenomena and problems among representatives of different ethnic groups. It shows that the construction of social representations about socially important events and acute problems of society are caused not only by internal factors of vital functions of social groups but also by a variety of external factors (economical-political, demographic factors, macropsychological situation and many others). The results of empirical research are carried out on samples of the two ethnic groups (N = 30; average age 31 years) using the author's questionnaire. Significant differences in group representation werrevealed, reflecting the similarity and discrepancy in the manifestation of relevance, importance of socio-political phenomena and their characteristics. Applied aspect of this work can be implemented in the consulting practice of psychological services, as well as in the development of programs of youth policy.


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