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Зиновьева Д. М. New Textbook on Work Psychology. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 2, pp. 190-?.
New Textbook on Work Psychology
The review provides an analytical assessment of an extensive textbook, which adapts V. A. Tolochek’s thinking for the optimal form of a textbook for a course in Work Psychology as a scientific and academic discipline. According to the author, his position can be defined as an evolutionary approach to the overview of the subject. Characteristic features of this approach are apparent in various passages of the book: in the analysis of historical trends in the changes in properties of social objects (people, groups, organizations, and democratic institutions), in the nature of social demand for this discipline, in the changes of workplace management and technologies, and in the changes of important properties of the labor subject throughout the twentieth century. Additionally, the features of this approach manifest themselves in the analysis of allied scientific disciplines – sociology, social psychology, organizational psychology, psychology of management, and their conceptual and methodological instruments.
1. Tolochek V. A. Sovremennaya psikhologiya truda: uchebnoe posobie po napravlenijam i special’nostjam psihologii (Modern work psychology: the study guide in areas and specialities of psychology). St. Petersburg. 2010. 432 p. (in Russian).
2. Tolochek V. A. Psikhologiya truda: Uchebnoe posobie (Work psychology: the study guide). St. Petersburg, 2016. 480 p. (in Russian).
3. Tolochek V. A. Psikhologiya truda: uchebnoe posobie. 2-e izd., dop. (Work psychology: the study guide. 2nd edition). St. Petersburg, 2017. 480 p. (in Russian).
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5. Leonova A. B., Chernysheva O. N. Psikhologiya truda i organizatsionnaya psikhologiya: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy: khrestomatiya (Work psychology and organizational psychology: contemporary state and perspectives: chrestomathy). Moscow, 1995. 448 p. (in Russian)
6. Manukhina S. Yu. Psikhologiya truda: khrestomatiya: ucheb.-metod. kompleks (Work psychology: Chrestomathy: Learning and teaching complex). Moscow, 2011. 277 p. (in Russian).
7. Psikhologiya truda, inzhenernaya psikhologiya i ergonomika: uchebnik dlya akademicheskogo bakalavriata (Work psychology, engineering psychology and ergonomics: textbook for academic bachelors). Eds. E. A. Klimov, O. G. Noskova, G. N. Solntseva. Moscow, 2015. 618 p. (in Russian).