Cite this article as:

Danilova E. A. Peculiarities Valuable Orientations of Modern Youth in Premarital Period. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 3, pp. 250-?. DOI:

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Peculiarities Valuable Orientations of Modern Youth in Premarital Period


We have offered the theoretical analysis of the problem of value orientations of a person in psychology. We have considered psychologists' representation of the value system of a person as the hierarchy of their beliefs. The role of premarital relationship in the formation of value orientations and behaviors among today's youth is indicated. The study that we conducted on a sample of young people revealed the specifics of value orientations of young people having premarital relations. The applied aspect of the problem under investigation can be implemented in working with young people of premarital age in the conditions of psychological counseling.


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