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Klenova M. A. Problems and Perspectives of the Study of Young People’s Social Activity. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 4, pp. 319-325. DOI:

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Problems and Perspectives of the Study of Young People’s Social Activity


The purpose of the study presented in the article is to give a theoretical review of articles devoted to the problem of social activity and its types. The urgency of the study of social activity is conditioned by the need to study psychological mechanisms of formation, development and forms of its manifestation in young people under the changing conditions of the social environment. The article presents the main definitions of the notion of social activity from the interdisciplinary perspective. The novelty of the investigation is to study the substantial completeness of the notion of social activity with a detailed theoretical analysis of the types of social activity. We carried out theoretical review of the types of social activity. The notions of altruistic activity and volunteer activity as types of social activity have been studied. Socio-political activity is viewed within the context of modern concepts regarding young people’s inclusion into political life of the society. Internet and network activity as one of the most urgent types of social activity is studied within the context of cyber socialization. The author suggests the definition and major features of civil activity. We studied the concept of social and economic activity of the modern youth. Educational and developmental, spiritual and religious activities were investigated within the context of modern scientific ideas regarding these types of social activity. A theoretical review of the ideas about the protest, radical protest and subcultural activity of young people was carried out. Prospects and possibilities of the empirical research of social activity of young people are outlined in the article. The study substantiates the necessity and scientific significance of the research of interrelation between social activity from the standpoint of the system-diachronic approach that allows to reveal the mechanisms and determination of the formation and the development of the «personality-social environment» system. The performed theoretical research makes it possible to reveal a number of perspectives for further empirical study of the social activity of young people associated with the construction of a scheme for the study of types of social activity, taking into account the specifics of its manifestation in the modern society.


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