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Арпентьева М. Р. Psychological Rehabilitation of Families with Children with Health Limitations. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 23-?. DOI:
Psychological Rehabilitation of Families with Children with Health Limitations
The paper presents an approach developed by the author of the study to addressing special features of the attitude to diseases and health conditions of different groups of people, including children and families with disabilities, and to addressing the problems and components of their rehabilitation. The study directs special attention at understanding as the leading modality of productive comprehension of health problems and their transformation, which is an important component of a person’s recovery and healing and his/her relationship with oneself and the world. The study addresses two modalities of understanding of oneself and the world, as well as one’s health and diseases: self-actualizing, active and helplessly passive, their sources and effects on people’s health and life in general. Therefore, development (abilitive) and rehabilitation work with children with health limitations and their families must be directed towards assisting them in understanding themselves and the world as developing, harmonious, and having a lot of abilities, instead of having only inabilities.
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