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Рягузова Е. В. Reputation of a Neighbor, or Who Lives Near Us?. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 2, pp. 134-139. DOI:

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Reputation of a Neighbor, or Who Lives Near Us?


The article presents the results of empirical study that addresses perception of neighbors. As a major empirical method we used a questionnaire, using reflexive self-report technique «I – Other», which includes verbal statements and graphic representations. It revealed the presence of two strategies of perception and evaluation of neighbors: egocentric, focused on vested interest of a person, and dialogic, focused on the establishment of active connections and relationships with neighbors. The obtained data can describe the subjective perception of neighbors and the strategy of interaction with them, and it also states that the modality of a generalized reputation of neighbors is negative and reputation itself is characterized by instability and disharmony, exteriority and fragmentation at any perceptional-cognitive strategies of perception and evaluation of neighbors.


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