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Solovyova V. A. Risks and Prospects of Using Educational Internet Resources. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 2, pp. 183-?. DOI:

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Risks and Prospects of Using Educational Internet Resources


Undoubtedly, Internet resources are sources of educational and scientific information that are in demand among students. Therefore, their development should be based on the fundamental pedagogical principles, one of which is the principle of natural conformity. This fact reveals the most important condition that predetermines the success of the human-machine educational system – the resource’s correspondence to the biological characteristics of the learner, including his/her cognitive processes (processes of perception, thinking, and memory). Thus, the purpose of this work was to study what parameters of the provision of educational information on the screen will affect the productivity of the student who works with it. The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that students will be more successful in memorizing educational information in the event that: 1. the educational text is simple; 2. the text uses graphic materials; 3. the didactic unit is located in the “attention zone” of the student. The basis for the study was an experiment in which 100 students from the SSU named after N. G. Chernyshevsky took part. The subjects had to study 10 educational texts on the computer screen and answer questions about their content. The eye movements of the participants were recorded using the “eye tracking” technology. It is revealed that the more complex the text, the faster students read it and remember it worse. It is revealed that the graphic material is a “blind zone” for a student and does not contribute to increasing the memorability of the material on the screen, but its availability subjectively simplifies the work with information for a student. It is also established that the location of the didactic unit on the screen does not have a significant effect on the success of its capturing. These results can serve as a basis for developing a methodology for building educational Internet resources in accordance with the conscious and unconscious requests of the main participant in the educational process – the student.


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