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Подбуцкая Н. В. Role of Self-determination and Reflexivity in Career Orientations of Future Engineers. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2015, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 69-71. DOI:
Role of Self-determination and Reflexivity in Career Orientations of Future Engineers
Special features of career orientations of future engineers are described; they define the vector of professional formation and the level of professional development. The results of the empirical research are presented, the research was carried out on the representative sample (N = 82, M = 20,30 years, students of 2 - 6 years of study of National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» with different technical specialties) with application of the diagnostic tools: the method of «The questionnaire of self-organization activity by E. Yu. Mandrikova»; the method of «The questionnaire of career orientations «Career anchor» (E. Schein; with adaptation of V. A. Chikera, V. E. Vinokurova)»; the method of differential diagnostic of reflexivity (D. A. Leontev), the scale of self-determination of a person (B. Sheldon; with adaptation and modification of E. N. Osina); methods of mathematical statistics: descriptive analysis, correlation, regression, one-factor dispersive analyses. The role and significance of special features of self-determination and reflexivity in particular career orientations (ministry and challenge). The applied aspect of the studying problem can be implemented in the development of the program of psychological accompanying of students with technical specialties for formation of the basic level of professional competence during their professional development in a higher education institution.
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