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Голованова Н. Ф., Дерманова И. Б. Self-Realization and Satisfaction with Life in Adolescents: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 3, pp. 278-?. DOI:
Self-Realization and Satisfaction with Life in Adolescents: Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects
Modern educational practice has no clear scientific understanding regarding the specifics of self-realization of adolescents in connection with their satisfaction with life. Analysis of the concept of “selfrealization” in modern psychological discourse has revealed three well-represented in scientific literature ways of self-realization: selfexpression, self-realization and self-transcendence. It is shown that methods of self-realization can be correlated with different vectors of its orientation. In extreme cases these are an “egocentric” vector of self-fulfillment and a vector of “selfless service”. The purpose of the study was to reveal the correlation of various ways of self-realization and the vector of its orientation with indicators of satisfaction with life. The hypothesis of the study was that adolescents demonstrate all three ways of self-realization, which are closely and positively related to characteristics of satisfaction and psychological well-being in general, preferences in the choice of characteristics of self-realization combined with indicators of life satisfaction form specific symptomcomplexes characterizing different ways of a person’s making in adolescence. Based on the results of the study, it was discovered that adolescents have all three modes of self-realization, but they attach the greatest importance to self-realization, which occupies the central position in the structure of satisfaction indicators. Specific symptom complexes of the parameters under study were revealed. It is shown that about 50% of the explained dispersion is represented by factors with pronounced self-realization characteristics, but only one of them (about 25%) can be characterized as a constructive and socially-oriented variant of self-realization. Other factors (with a total weight of about 25%) describe different options for avoiding it or the lack of formed internal need for self-realization. Pedagogical support for self-realization of modern adolescents should be built taking into account the value-semantic construct of national education, and provide for the child-adult community.
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