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Толочек В. А. Space and Time of Intersubjective Interactions as Resources (Research Question Outline). Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 299-?. DOI:

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Space and Time of Intersubjective Interactions as Resources (Research Question Outline)


The paper presents a theoretical analysis of historical trends in the evolution of space and time in work organization as a collective activity of people as its subjects. Because of changes in conditions of interactions between these subjects, new resources are generated. The paper examines possible approaches to the study of space and the effects of interactions between subjects. It identifies seven stages in the evolution of interactions between subjects of collective activities during the twentieth century. The paper proceeds to examine conditions and possibilities of different effects typical for a specific type of space, the stage of the development of interactions. Possibilities of actualization of new conditions (space and time) as new resources are further explained. The paper also discusses the usefulness of complementing the dominant paradigm of «subjects’ properties» with that of «subjects’ relations». Finally, it presents an outline of the system genetic approach to the study of the phenomenon of «resources».


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