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Александрова Е. А., Баранаускине И. . Strategies for Building a Parenting Environment and Parenting Methods for the Younger Generation. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 3, pp. 269-?. DOI:

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Strategies for Building a Parenting Environment and Parenting Methods for the Younger Generation


The authors identify two reverse strategies for building a parenting environment (one starting from ideological foundations to the choice of parenting practices, and the other from the choice of parenting practices to their ideological foundations). The paper presents the results of an analysis of methods of forming consciousness, organization and encouragement of work in the context of the younger generation’s attitude to them. The study draws a conclusion about the most effective methods of interaction with the younger generation, which create conditions for understanding what happened, what is happening, and its aftereffect; for accepting people, interaction with whom helps sensemaking; for perceiving their environment as open for new opportunities and new meanings. The paper defines a parenting environment and hierarchically lists its key functions: developmental, educational, and instructional.


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