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Арендачук И. В. Structural and Functional Approach to the Process of Identity Formation. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 2, pp. 110-?. DOI:

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Structural and Functional Approach to the Process of Identity Formation


The paper analyzes modern approaches to the study of a person’s self-awareness and its structural characteristics. In the context of a metasystem approach, the paper presents and provides a rationale for its theoretical structural and functional model. Self-awareness of the individual is represented as an open purpose-oriented tiered system, whose development results in the individual’s self-identification within the system of social relations. A structural level of self-awareness includes a subsystem of interrelated components conditioning their own co-development: cognitive, emotional, and behavioral ones. A functional level of self-awareness, represented by the «identity – I-concept» subsystem, is viewed both as a result of reflexive interaction, and as a source of content for the components of the structural subsystem. The applied aspect of the problem at the center of this study can be implemented in system psychological and acmeological studies of the individual’s self-awareness, in providing psycho-pedagogical support through the course of its formation at certain stages of age development and throughout the course of a person’s life, and in personal counseling.


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