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Chernov A. U., Zinovieva D. M., Vodopianova N. E., Fomina O. O. Structure and Types of Cognitive Schemes of the Psychological Well-Being. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2020, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 33-43. DOI:
Structure and Types of Cognitive Schemes of the Psychological Well-Being
The paper presents the results of theoretical and empirical study of psychological well-being from a cognitive point of view, as a mental representation, including the experience of responding to the diverse dynamic challenges of a social situation. We suggested that psychological well-being is a mental schema. We presented the results of the empirical study performed on a sample (N = 111, aged from 18 to 40 years old), divided into two age groups: 18–25 years old (n = 55) and 26–40 years old (n = 56), using adapted questionnaire by R. A. Steffenhagen and J. D. Burns, the diagnosing technique for subjective well-being of a person by R. M. Shamionov, T. V. Beskova, descriptive statistics, comparison of mean values (Student t-test) and regression analysis. The following research results are described in the paper: situational, spiritual, social formats of self-esteem are associated with various parameters of psychological well-being: they form a structural unity, interpretedas a cognitive schema of well-being. We differentiated “simple”, “complex closed” and “complex open” cognitive schemas which are concretized as “contextual”, “procedural” and “compensatory” types of cognitive schemas in their content. We established the prevalence of structurally “simple” and “contextual” cognitive schemas in their content in the younger age group with a gradual strengthening of the role of “complex open” “compensatory” schemas in the older age group. The findings of the research can be applied when developing programs of psychological and pedagogical support of students.
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