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Кленова М. А. The Relationships between the Dominant Coping Strategies and Accentuation of Personality Traits Among Teachers. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2017, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 75-?. DOI:
The Relationships between the Dominant Coping Strategies and Accentuation of Personality Traits Among Teachers
The article presents the results of empirical study of relationships between the dominant coping strategies and accentuation of personality traits among secondary school teachers (N = 40) carried out using psycho-diagnostic tools: Questionnaire «Strategies for overcoming stressful situations» (Stevan E. Hobfoll in adaptation of N. Vodopianova and E. Starchenkova), characterological questionnaire (K. Leonhard in adaptation of V. M. Bleicher). It was established that the constructive and prosocial coping strategies are typical for teachers with excitable, emotive, partially pedantic, anxious and exalted types of accentuations. The destructive and antisocial coping strategies are typical for subjects with hyperthymic, cycloid, unbalanced, dysthymic and partially exalted types of accentuations. An inclination towards the implementation of destructive copings (aggressive and manipulative) was found in the group of the most common accentuations of traits among teachers. Applied aspect of the issue under study may be implemented in programs for personal and professional development of teachers in secondary schools.
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