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Смирнова А. Ю. The Role of Job Insecurity in Professional Development of the Personnel. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 2, pp. 26-?. DOI:

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The Role of Job Insecurity in Professional Development of the Personnel


In article theoretically and empirically testify that job insecurity plays an important role in professional development of the personnel, making destructive impact on workers, shoving in dynamic of burnout. Measuring instruments: «Oldenburg Burnout Inventory» (E. Demerouti et al., version in Russian language A. Smirnova, 2015), «the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale» (W. Schaufeli, A. Bakker, 2003); «the Job Insecurity Scale» (De Witte 2000, 2012, version in Russian language A. Smirnova, 2015), «Job Insecurity Scale» (J. Hellgren et аl., 1999, version in Russian language A. Smirnova, 2015). Empirical basis of research consists of 1072 employees. Confirmatory factor analyses (using AMOS) were employed to establish the hypothesis.


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