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Akimenko A. K. Time Perspective and Life Values of Senior Pupils in Urban and Rural Schools. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 4, pp. 341-345. DOI:

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Time Perspective and Life Values of Senior Pupils in Urban and Rural Schools


The article presents the results of empirical study of time perspective peculiarities, conducted in a comparative aspect on the sample of senior pupils from urban and rural schools (N = 140). The following ques-tionnaires were used: «Motivation to Success» and «Motivation of Failure Avoidance» by T. Ehlers, «Morphological Test of Life Values» by V. F. Sopov and L. V. Karpushina, «Graphic Test with Time Circles and Lines» by T. Cottle, «Sentence Completion» method by D. Saks and S. Levy, test-questionnaire «Subjective Control Level» by G. Rotter, method of studying the level of aspiration and self-esteem by T. V. Dembo and S. Ya. Rubinstein. The interdependence between the characteristics of temporal perspective, life values and such personality characteristics as: the level of subjective control (internal/external), self-esteem and aspirations of the individual, motivational orientations on achievement of goals or avoidance of failure were revealed. The data obtained allow to clarify the possible determinants of personal self-determination of senior pupils in urban and rural schools and can be used in the work of social and psychological services of educational institutions.


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