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Рягузова Е. В. Transformation of Worldview and Ways of Categorization of the Other in Modern Children. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 3, pp. 228-?. DOI:

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Transformation of Worldview and Ways of Categorization of the Other in Modern Children


The article presents the implementation of the network approach to analyzing the worldview of a person and describes its main characteristics (complexity, lack of a stable core, self-organization, nonlinearity, synergistic relationships, polydetermination). A theoretical analysis of the following nuclear formations of the worldview is conducted: “we-they”, based on the external difference between the two groups and the internal assimilation of their representatives to each other; “friend – foe”, marking the mutual perception and mutual evaluation of people relative to each other; “I – the other” which is the ontological constant of human existence; “good – evil” as an ethical and semantic base, designed by society, requiring from each of its representatives a permanent responsible work on its understanding and interpretation; “life - death”, associated with the acceptance of the ontological reliability of death and a responsible attitude to life. It is stated that all the listed constructs act in the form of iconic archetypes, represent the general system of universal meanings and ontological meanings of personality and regulate its relations with the world, itself and the Others. It is found that the change in social situation of development of a modern child, determined by factors of different levels, is connected with the transformations of the nuclear components of worldview and connections between them, as well as the ways of categorizing the Other, leading to the dehumanization of a child’s relationship with the Others, the weakening of Ego and “tanatization” of a child’s consciousness.


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