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Arendachuk I. V. Value-based Meaningful Factors of Social Activity of Youth under Different Conditions of Life Activities. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2018, vol. 7, iss. 4, pp. 346-358. DOI:

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Value-based Meaningful Factors of Social Activity of Youth under Different Conditions of Life Activities


The urgency of the study is related to the insufficient state of investigations of the value-related and meaningful conditioning of the forms of social activity of an individual. Its goal is to identify the axiological factors that determine the features of the manifestation of the forms of social activity of youth, whose vital activity is carried out in cities of different types (regional centers and a small towns). The hypothesis of the study is that the peculiarity of the influence of the life-purpose, vital, and value-related orientations of the personality and the characteristics of the existential fulfillment of life on different forms of social activity of young people depends on the conditions of their life activity. The sample consisted of 173 people (42% young men and 58% young women aged 15–25), 52% of them live in the regional center (Saratov), 48% live in a small town (Balakovo, Saratov region). The following techniques were used in the study: a questionnaire for studying the manifestation of forms and characteristics of social activity of young people; “Scale of Existence” by A. Lengle and K. Orgler; “Life predestination” by O. I. Motkov; “Test of life-purpose orientations” by D. A. Leontiev; “Diagnostics of the real structure of value orientations of an individual” by S. S. Bubnova. It has been established that the dominant forms of young people’s social activity are leisure, use of the Internet, and educational-development, are more distinct among those living in a small town. The youth of the regional center are more active in manifesting themselves in the activities of religious and protest orientation. It is shown that axiological factors determine the educational development and leisure forms of activity of youth of the regional center and subcultural, educational development and Internet forms of activity of youth in a small town. The most significant in terms of influencing the manifestation of the forms of social activity among young people living in the regional center are the factors of existential fulfillment of life, life-purpose and vital orientations (87.4% of significant correlation links); among those living in a small town, the influence of value orientations is increasing (37.8% of significant correlation links). The obtained results can be used in planning and organization of youth activities related to the manifestation of its social activity.


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