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Фирсова Т. Г. Virtual Methodological Office as a Means of Developing Professional Competence of Future Teachers. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Educational Acmeology. Developmental Psychology, 2016, vol. , iss. 1, pp. 16-?. DOI:
Virtual Methodological Office as a Means of Developing Professional Competence of Future Teachers
The article substantiates the need to expand boundaries of traditional educational space of university and institute through the creation of the virtual environment that organizes training, pedagogical, developmental, and motivational side of development of a future teacher. The necessity of using the virtual space is justified by implementation of the accessibility and openness principles of education, and the data on the growth of Internet users in the Russian Federation (Based on results of the GfK Omnibus study). Internet and social networks are regarded as an important instrument of professional competence formation of the future of primary school teachers. Content of the notion «virtual methodical office» is revealed. Criteria of effectiveness of this methodological work are shown. The experience of applying the methodological office during the training of bachelors and masters on the profile «Primary education» in National Research Saratov State University is described.
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