acmeological development

Educator’s Acmeological Development: Theoretical Analysis of the Possibility of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving

The article analyses present-day state of the career development system and takes into account fundamentalization of education. The acmeological approach to the development of fundamental education is considered from the point of view of creating a spiritual product, i.e. solving professional problems. Productivity, where knowledge, competence, skill are compared with physical, mental, acmeological neoplasms in the traits of personalities of the participants in the educational process, is considered to be the main feature of fundamental education.

Historico-Methodological and Acmeological Foundations of a Specialist’s Career Development

The paper presents the findings of a theoretical study aimed at a historico-methodological and achmeological analysis of the formation of the concept of a specialist’s career in his/her professional work, at determining historical stages and scientific approaches of the development of the process of a specialist’s career growth and acmeological development.