акмеологический подход

Historico-Methodological and Acmeological Foundations of a Specialist’s Career Development

The paper presents the findings of a theoretical study aimed at a historico-methodological and achmeological analysis of the formation of the concept of a specialist’s career in his/her professional work, at determining historical stages and scientific approaches of the development of the process of a specialist’s career growth and acmeological development.

Design Culture of Students in the Context of Educational Acmeology

It is shown that modern higher vocational education is characterized by the need for systemic changes aimed at creating conditions for selfdevelopment and self-realization in the course of vocational training. The design culture of students, which is today one of the landmarks that emphasize Obshchepedagogichesky context of higher education, viewed through the prism of akmeologicheskogo approach. Through the content and specifics of social planning as an activity that defines the design culture, justified its akmeologicheskaja function and the conditions necessary for its development.


Изложены результаты теоретического и эмпирического исследования проблемы подготовки будущего учителя начальных классов с позиций акмеологического подхода. Выявлена структурная организация акмеологической направленности личности будущего учителя: профессионально-ценностные ориентации, профессиональное целеполагание, профессиональная мотивация, стремление к профессиональному успеху. Уточнены уровневые характеристики и типы педагогической направленности (мононаправленность, полинаправленность).