
Theoretical Prerequisites for the Study of Discriminatory Attitudes of the Personal in the Changing Society

The main purpose of the article is to present a theoretical review and analysis of modern Russian and foreign studies on the problem of discriminatory attitudes of an individual. The urgency of the study is determined by many factors and is due to scientific, theoretical and socio-psychological circumstances of the modern society. Discriminatory attitudes increase the intensity of local conflicts between dominant and discriminated groups.

Influence of Ethnic Identity Expressiveness on the Choice of Acculturation Attitude by Migrants

The article presents study the influence of the salience of ethnic identity on choice migrant's acculturation attitude according to the theory of social identity by H. Tajfel and J. C. Turner and the theory of cognitive dissonance by L. Festinger. We suppose that migrants experienced uncomfortable in new cultural environment due to the inconsistency of their own cultural values and norms with norms and values of the host society. In order to regain their cognitive structure in consistency, migrants need to choice their acculturation attitude.