ethnic group

Correlation of Subjective Well-Being and Socio-Political Representation of Ethnic Groups

The paper presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of subjective well-being and socio-political representation of ethnic groups. The study included proportionally equal samples of Russian and Kazakh respondents (Saratov, N = 60). Using a combination of psycho-pedagogical instruments, such as a questionnaire aimed at identifying socio-political views developed by the author of the study, the «Level of social frustratedness instrument» (L. I. Vasserman, B. V. Iovlev, M. A. Berebin), and the «C. Ryff’s scale of psychological well-being» (L. V. Zhukovskaya, E. G.

Socio-political Peculiarities and Quality of Life Evaluation Among Ethnic

The paper presents the results of a theoretical and an empirical study of socio-political attitudes. The study was conducted on a sample of representatives of the Russian and the Kazakh ethnic groups (Saratov oblast, N = 60). Applying a complex of psychological and pedagogical methods, such as a questionnaire developed by the author of the study and the Level of Social Frustratedness instrument (L. I. Vasserman, B. V. Iovlev, M. A. Berebin), the study explores socio-political attitudes in different ethnic groups.

Moral Orientation and Subjective Well-Being of Young People from Different Ethnic Groups

The paper presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of moral orientations and subjective well-being, conducted on a sample of young Russians and Armenians using the following psychodiagnostic tools: the scale of subjective well-being (M. V. Sokolova); the technique for measuring the level of social frustratedness (L. I. Vasserman); the technique for diagnosing moral orientations (I. S. Slavinskaya, A. D. Nasledov, M. Y. Dvoretskaya).