
Military Identity of an Officer: Questionnaire and Its Validation

The purpose of the study presented in the article is to develop and validate the original technique for determining military identity level. The relevance of research topic is conditioned by the lack of methods for determining military identity level of military personnel. We proposed a new tool to determine the level of military identity. The hypothesis of the study was an assumption that the tool that was developed for assessing military identity level of officers is valid and reliable.

A Person’s Socialization in the Light of the Concepts of Three Anthropological Dominants (Research Question Outline)

A multidisciplinary analysis of a person’s socialization has been performed based on the theory of three modes of oral tradition epic, lyric poetry, and drama. The paper proposes an idea that a person’s socialization can be viewed as sequential inclusion of epic, lyric, and dramatic components of the exploration of social space.

Moral Orientation and Subjective Well-Being of Young People from Different Ethnic Groups

The paper presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of moral orientations and subjective well-being, conducted on a sample of young Russians and Armenians using the following psychodiagnostic tools: the scale of subjective well-being (M. V. Sokolova); the technique for measuring the level of social frustratedness (L. I. Vasserman); the technique for diagnosing moral orientations (I. S. Slavinskaya, A. D. Nasledov, M. Y. Dvoretskaya).

Adaptive Readiness of Elementary and High School Students According to the Evaluation of Educational Process Participants

The paper presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of adaptive readiness of elementary and high school students. The longitudinal study included students (N = 94) and class teachers (N = 3). The use of a combination of psycho-pedagogical techniques, a questionnaire designed by the author to study adaptive readiness based on five criteria, and the chart of monitoring students’ adaptiveness and effectiveness of their learning activities (designed by E. S. Eskina, T. L.

Identity and Satisfaction with Marriage in Married Families

The article analyzes the theoretical approaches to understanding problems of family identity. The author discovered the dependence of well-being in the marriage from which the identity (personal or family) exists in humans. The sample consisted of 40 respondents (20 childless families with experience of 1 month - 3 years and 20 families with children with experience of 18-23 years). The use of complex techniques - «test questionnaire satisfaction with marriage»