
Characteristics of will as predictors of risk inclination of military university students in the process of professional military socialization

. One of the important and relevant problems of social psychology is the study of the role of will characteristics as important regulators of risk behavior. It is especially interesting to investigate it in such a specific social group as military personnel, whose activities are associated with risk both directly and indirectly. In view of this, the purpose of the research presented in the article is to study changes in volitional determination of risk and rational behavior of the military university students in the process of professional military socialization.

Military Identity of an Officer: Questionnaire and Its Validation

The purpose of the study presented in the article is to develop and validate the original technique for determining military identity level. The relevance of research topic is conditioned by the lack of methods for determining military identity level of military personnel. We proposed a new tool to determine the level of military identity. The hypothesis of the study was an assumption that the tool that was developed for assessing military identity level of officers is valid and reliable.