
«Vertical» Arrangement of the Space of Managers’ Business Communication Styles

The paper presents the results of a study of «vertical» arrangement of the space of business communication between managers of a business company. Using the Business Communication Styles research technique (BCS), this study examined the preferences of style components, as reflected in three concepts («I», my style; style features of a subjectively suitable leader; style features of a subjectively suitable subordinate).

Soteriological Technique of Assessing the Heads Leadership Qualities Level

In this article the author’s diagnostics technique of the development level of leadership qualities of the head is presented. It belongs to the class of order methods created for the assessment of various aspects of organizational culture in the mode of dialogue of the respondent and psychologist. This technique called soteriological because it is focused on the work with the identity level of the leader of the organization («internal» order of organizational culture). Basic aspects of a sotering, concept of spiritual leadership and soteriological function of power are presented.